Archive for the ‘seduction’ Category

Womanizing: The skill and the sight

31 December, 2006

The interesting thing, is that after a few months that you read e-books and articles on seduction, you start to make connections. You start to understand and realise that the illogical way in which women act, after all is not that illogical at all. Just contorted. From our point of view. Understanding this makes their behaviour more acceptable; the results less surprising; and the world less evil.

This does not means that magically I have learned to seduce women. Just that now I see the errors that I do. And we all know that knowing your error is the first step toward recovering.

It is like if for my whole life my eyes have been closed. Now finally they have been open. Slightly. And suppose that I had a ball in my hand and I had to throw it through a hole in the wall in front. Make it a spear and you’ll get even more symbolic. Before my success was mainly due to luck. The ball would often bouce off the wall, and I was frustrated, unable to understand what has gone wrong. Now my eyes are open, and I can see where does it bounce. I can see where the hole is. I can see the inevitability of it to bounce if my aim has been imprecise.

This does not mean that I am able to throw the ball, suddenly through the hole every time. Having been blind all my life, there is a huge work that needs to be done to learn the hand-eye-ball coordination.

Plus a huge work in learning the self security needed to say my line in the right time. Babe.

But it feels quite inevitable to do it by now. Mostly a matter of time.

When I was a kid (i.e.15 to 19) I would greet every year as the coming year is when I will finally have sex for the first time. Then the year came much later. And then it went.

In a few hours it’s going to be 2007.

Let the 2007 be the year in which, it doesn’t just happen. But in which I finally learn how to make it happen. Consistently.

And if you are a man, and you are interested in a starting place, you should definitly read
the articles at the Bristol Lair. Pretty much all the schools are present, and is a good place to start.